I've been in Oklahoma City for two whole weeks now and have finally gotten to the point of feeling "settled in". From this point forward, all work on the house will be dedicated to updating and decorating. I could point out the obvious, life in Oklahoma is drastically different from that in sunny San Diego. For starters, Oklahoma has (gasp!) FOUR seasons! I have seen all sorts of weather in the few weeks I have been here: snow, rain, hail, wind, and sun. There is one consistent thing... It's cold. Granted, I run cold. However, the contrast between Oklahoma and the previous warmer climates I've lived in, does not seem to work in my favor. Oh well. I guess that means I have no choice but to shop for a new, warmer wardrobe. Too bad I'll have to drive to Dallas in order to do that.
General public is much more friendly as a whole.
Life is simple. Less drama & distractions.
Bigger and nicer house to live in (for less!)
Backyard for Lola.
New car.
No friends. I'm gonna have to work on that one...
No beach. (But there are lakes!)
Good places to shop are limited (No Nordies) - Looks like I'm going to have to improve upon my online shopping skills.