Tuesday, May 8, 2012

a smell you adore

It's funny. Upon seeing this photo-a-day theme, no smell came to mind. Instead, an expression did.

Stop and smell the roses.

'Stop and smell the roses' is a widely used cliché in the English language. It's exact origin is unknown, although believed to have originated within the United States around 100 years ago. A variant of this phrase was misquoted by golfer Walter Hagen that appeared in the 1956 book "The Walter Hagen Story" where he urged people to stop and smell the flowers. It was also the title of an album by Ringo Starr in 1981. Wherever it came from, and however misquoted it may be, the meaning is the same. Take the time to appreciate a situation or to slow down and pay attention to what is going on around you. Take a few minutes for yourself each day. Stop being so busy that you forget to take the time to enjoy the pleasures that this beautiful life has to offer you.

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